JaiVal in Stanford & San Francisco - June 2013
JaiVal / Microsexes
2013: an Earth Odyssey
PSi19 - Performance Studies International - Stanford University
28th june 7,30pm till midnight in Roble Studio 57.Microtimes: Undoing Linearity + Metabody Project presentation
PSi19 - Performance Studies International - Stanford University
29th june 9am in Old Union 219, and the workshop/performanceMicrosexes
Centre for Sex and Culture. 1349 Mission St. San Francisco
30th June 8pm to 11 pm (one to one encounters with audience for 5 minutes each)Microspaces
Street meta/performance
(to be confirmed 1st July 11pm around San Francisco City Hall)
write to jaimedelval [at] reverso.org for info.Book your SERVICE: private/public home/hotel/online/street performance/metaformance.
Send this FORM filled to: jaimedelval [at] reverso.org