A Metahuman Metaformance
Jaime del Val_REVERSO
Microsexes is a metahuman metaformance (a process of becoming of a metabody, or relational body), in which surveillance cameras placed on the skin capture amorphous fragments of the moving body (microdances) while the electronic processing of the voice generates a dissolving soundscape. The loss of distance, exteriority and fixed framing of the vision of the cameras, disseminated like eyes all over the body that looks onto itself induces a transformation in proprioception, and a move towards immanence, while the body becomes amorphous and postanatomical, as it moves in the frontier of the intelligible. The microdances are thus microsexes, potential sexes of a body that never actualises, that hovers eternally on edge of legibility. The Metaformance can happen indoors, outdoors, over the internet or in private houses, interacting with large groups of with single persons, lasting a few munites or going on for days or weeks without stop. This new kind of microsexual work potentially redefines the limits of the subject, the body, the community and the social, challenging intimacy, and opening the relational body up to new gorizons of metahuman affects.